Information about Silvergate RSF
Silvergate Rancho Santa Fe will be the fourth senior living community owned and operated in San Diego County by a local family owned company called AmeriCare Health & Retirement. Silvergate RSF will provide the most spacious and luxurious accommodations of all their locations. It will have 44 three bedroom cottages, 94 two bedroom apartments and also offers a memory care center. None of the buildings will be more than two stories high. Some of the cottages will have two car garages.
There will be on site dining, social programs and facilities for exercise and many different activities. Here are a renderings of a cottage home and courtyard dining published by the project owner.

Cottage residence

Courtyard dining
The location is a 29 acre ranch that has been abandoned for decades. It is at the edge of the Covenant at the corner of Via de la Valle and Calzada de Bosque.

Site as it is today seen from Via de la Valle

View driving West on Calzada del Bosque

The entrance will be from Calzada del Bosque. Here is a current street view and a rendering after completion.

Here is a link to the Silvergate RSF section at the company's web site, which has more information