An Opportunity for Better Retirement Living
in Rancho Santa Fe -- You Can Help to Create One!
Rancho Santa Fe Board and Art Jury are considering a proposal for a senior living community called Silvergate RSF. If it is approved, it will bring major benefits to everyone living in the Covenant.
You can help by making sure that the RSF Board knows about the support this project has among residents of the Covenant. First learn the facts and concerns about the project on these web pages.
If you agree that the project would be a good thing, please, express your support using the form below and participate in other ways as explained below.
Please, fill in your information and click the "Submit" button.
This will add your name(s) to more than a hundred and fifty Covenant members who have already expressed their support by signing a letter sent to the RSF Board asking them to support Silvergate RSF. You can see the full text of that letter to the RSF Board by clicking here.
Other ways you can help
Form your own opinion based on real facts about the project.
Spread the word to everyone you know in the Covenant.
Send them the address to this web site.
Ask them to learn about the project and express their support.
... and ask your friends to spread the word to their friends.
Give your input directly to the RSF Board
Thank you,